         Membership in the
         Holy Name Society

Membership in the Holy Name Society is open to all male Catholics, lay, clergy and religious over the age of 18. They must be firm believers in all that the Catholic Church believes and teaches and put these teachings into practice in their daily lives.
   How to Become a Member
If you are interested in becoming a member of Our Lady of Peace Holy Name Society, please call Patrick Keeley, President at (724) 869-3074 or the church office at (724) 869-3024. Our membership gathers on the second Sunday of each month (excluding June through August) for mass and communion at the 8 am mass. Meetings are held in the CCD class rooms immediately following mass and last for about an hour. Our Lady of Peace Holy Name Society is a member of the Beaver County Holy Name Society and our members are also encouraged to participate in activities at the county level.